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13 December 2021 - 15 December 2021
Virtual, Austria
International Mobility Days 2021 #imdays2021


A range of different tickets is available. Please select the correct ticket during the registration process.

Note: The registration deadline is 19 November 2021. 

In light of Covid-19 and possible measures that may be introduced by November 2021, only 50 on-site exhibitor booths will be granted at the moment.

The EXHIBITOR TICKET on-site allows in-person participation on 13 December 2021. All digital features for virtual EXHIBITORS will be available on 14 and 15 December 2021.

Approval for an on-site exhibitor booth and info on its placement will be issued by WKÖ AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT AUSTRIA Mobility by the end of November 2021.

If any further Covid-19 measures are introduced by the Austrian government (e.g. mandatory FFP2 masks, distancing, etc.), you will receive a notification (e-mail) through the event platform. In the unlikely case of a lock-down, all on-site exhibitors will be switched to virtual exhibitors and charged as such.

The EXHIBITOR TICKET on-site allows in-person participation on 13 December 2021 in Vienna (please note that on 14 December only excursions will be in person, everything else is held virtually!). The ticket also covers the use of all digital features on 14 and 15 December 2021 as listed above.

Up to 50 Austrian companies and re­search institutes will showcase their products, services, projects, patents, etc. in the fields of mobility, traffic, mobile services and technology.

Closed since 1 December 2021
Virtual, Austria
Organised by
Austria 546
Germany 67
Iran, Islamic Republic Of 63
Romania 25
Spain 25
Slovenia 23
Ukraine 23
Slovakia 22
Türkiye 22
Italy 22
Serbia 21
Malaysia 21
Chile 19
Greece 16
Russia 15
Taiwan 14
Belgium 14
Portugal 14
France 13
United States 12
Lithuania 12
Peru 12
Canada 11
China (Hong Kong) 11
Poland 11
Brazil 11
Israel 10
Bosnia And Herzegovina 10
Croatia 10
Japan 10
Switzerland 9
Estonia 9
Egypt 9
Finland 8
Colombia 8
United Kingdom 8
Latvia 8
South Africa 7
India 7
Netherlands 7
Thailand 6
Morocco 6
Armenia 6
Hungary 5
Sweden 5
Ireland 4
Indonesia 4
Czech Republic 4
China 4
Viet Nam 4
Luxembourg 4
Mexico 3
Norway 3
Jordan 3
Denmark 2
United Arab Emirates 2
Algeria 2
Australia 2
Moldova, Republic Of 2
Philippines 2
Uruguay 1
Uganda 1
Nigeria 1
Belarus 1
Argentina 1
South Korea 1
Qatar 1
Georgia 1
Cyprus 1
Ghana 1
Côte d'Ivoire 1
Venezuela 1
Azerbaijan 1
Total 1271
Other 173
Consultants 159
Association/Agency 124
Manufacturer / OEM / shipyard 115
Authority/Government 104
Supplier services 87
Start up 82
Engineers & Planers 59
Supplier components 55
Public transport providers 53
University 49
Freight transport providers 42
R&D Institution 40
General Contractors 37
Retailer / Wholesaler 27
Shared mobility providers 20
Press 14
Total 1240
Profile views
Before event 24484
After event 4207
Total 28691